Emne: Er du til B&O, men ikke 100%? ( Emne lukket)

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BeoET Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 05 December 2005 Lokalitet: Øvrige Skandinavien
Status: Offline Indlæg: 9
Sendt: 16 December 2005 kl. 19:32 | IP-adresse registreret
For de som ønsker å koble en ikke-B&O DVD HDD til B&O TV: Jeg har sjekket med min lokale B&O forhandler: B&O leverer en DVD Controller (art.nr: 1402066) som gjør at en kan bruke Beo4 til å kontrollere Phillips, Sony, Pioneer og Panasonic (m.fl.) DVD HDD opptakere! I tillegg virker DVD HDD opptakeren via BeoLink mot B&O TV'er i andre rom!
I mitt tilfelle ønsker jeg å ha DVD HDD opptakeren i et eget rom (kjellerstue med DLP projektor), og kunne styre (ta opp, spille av etc) DVD HDD fra MX6000 (og evt et nytt BO TV...) som befinner seg i andre rom i huset. Dette ser jeg frem til!
Jeg kommer derfor til å kjøpe en DVD HDD opptaker samt kjøpe en B&O DVD Controller.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 17 December 2005 kl. 06:59 | IP-adresse registreret
Held og lykke med dit projekt. 
DVD controlleren kan købes alle de stede de sælger B&O. Listeprisen mener jeg ligger på kr. 1.095,-
Her er den off. liste over det udstyr de understøtter :
DVD afspillere: (samme som DVD Controller MK I) Philips DVD950 Panasonic DVDA360 Onkyo DV-S515
DVD recorders: Philips DVDR70 (og Philips DVDR75) Philips DVDR80 Panasonic DM-RE50 Panasonic DM-RE53 (og Panasonic DM-RE55) Pioneer DVR3100 Sony RDRGX3 (og Sony RDRGX7)
VHS: Philips VR200
Det skal liges nævnes at de har lavet en MKII som kan software opgraderes så den løbendes kan tilpasses (til også at omfatte HDD optagere)
Alternativt kan du kikke på www.oneremote.dk www.stonedesign.dk eller www.lintronic.dk
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 17 December 2005 kl. 07:02 | IP-adresse registreret
B&O Original Service Manual kan købes her.
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 17 December 2005 kl. 11:59 | IP-adresse registreret
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 18 December 2005 kl. 16:09 | IP-adresse registreret
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Thomas C Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 31 Marts 2003 Lokalitet: Midtjylland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 35
Sendt: 21 December 2005 kl. 11:56 | IP-adresse registreret
Hej Peter P.
Har du (eller andre) noget information om en evt. opdatering af beolab 8000. Jeg tænker primært på forstærkerdelen herunder overgang til ICE?
__________________ Biorytmer....er det ikke noget med en amp og subs??
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 21 December 2005 kl. 13:01 | IP-adresse registreret

Hej Tommas C
Opgraderingen af BeoLab 8000 aktiv højttaler.
Fra januar 2003, var det muligt at købe en BeoLab 8000 med nye driverenheder som giver ekstra lavt bas niveau. Selv om de ikke levere så meget bas som en BeoLab 2 sub-woofer.
Bas forstærkeren i de nyere BeoLab 8000 har en markant forbedring i forhold til deres forgængere. I opgraderingen er involveret ny frekvens udligning, og forbedret ABL system. Disse forbedringer er for det meste hørebare ved høje lydniveauer. Ændringerne er gennemført fra serie 16992475 og fremefter. Starter serie nummeret med 17****** er du sikker på det er den nye version som også sælges i år 2005.
Anvend denne liste for at finde årstallet via serie nummeret .
08****** - 1991 09****** - 1992/93 10****** - 1994/95 11****** - 1996 12****** - 1997 13****** - 1998/1999 14****** - 2000 15****** - 2001 16****** - 2002 17****** - 2003/2004 18****** - 2005 19****** - 2006 20****** - 2007 21******- 2008/09 _________________________
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Thomas C Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 31 Marts 2003 Lokalitet: Midtjylland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 35
Sendt: 21 December 2005 kl. 13:15 | IP-adresse registreret
Hej igen.
Jeg kan se at min formulering af spørgsmålet var uklart. Så jeg prøver at uddybe.
Mig bekendt sidder der er "alm" klasse AB forstærker i BL 8000. Dette underbygges at det link du postede ovenfor:
Maximum sound pressure level (stereo, pair) 99 dB Power amplifier modules 2 units, Class AB Long-term maximum output power per module* 143 watts Effective frequency range* 52 - 20,000 Hz Cabinet principle Bass Reflex Magnetic shielded Yes Woofer 2 x 10 cm Tweeter 1.8 cm Net volume 5.3 litres Bass equalizer Adaptive (ABL)
Altså ingen ICE i BL8000!!
Derfor prøver jeg at finde ud af om B&O overveje at udskifte den nuværende klasse AB forstærker til en nyere ICE model eller om der er andre opdateringer på vej.
__________________ Biorytmer....er det ikke noget med en amp og subs??
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 21 December 2005 kl. 13:52 | IP-adresse registreret
Hej igen.
Nu har b&o jo altid opdateret deres produkter løbende, uden at fortælle meget om det.
BeoLab 8000 - Specifications.
DESIGNER David Lewis DIMENSIONS W x H x D/ WEIGHT 17 x 132 x 17 cm/18.6 kg MATERIAL(S) Cabinet: Aluminium Baffle: Composite material COLOUR(S) &am p;am p;am p;nb sp; Cabinet/Cover: Black/black, silver/black, silver/white, dark grey/dark grey, red/black, blue/black, golden/black POWER CONSUMPTION Typical: 12 W; Networked standby: 1.8 W; Off mode: 0 W POWER AMPLIFIER, BASS 100 W, Class AB POWER AMPLIFIER, TWEETER 100W, Class AB EFFECTIVE FREQUENCEY RANGE** 52-20,000 Hzex SENSITIVITY* 88 dB SPL re 125 mVrms re 1m CABINET PRINCIPLE Bass reflex CABINET VOLUME 5.3 litres BASS DRIVER 2 x 10 cm/4" cone HIGH FREQENCEY DRIVER 1.9cm/¾" dome FEATURE(S) Adaptive Bass Linearisation (ABL)Input sensitivity switch CONNECTION(S) 1 x Power Link 1 x Phono (line auto switch on/off) ACCESSORIES Wall bracket Cover: **EFFECTIVE FREQUENCEY RANGE is measured @ -10 dB re. Ref level (200 Hz - 2000 Hz) Peerless bas enhederne i Beloab 8000 har gummiophæng som de fleste enheder har i dag.
Altså ingen ICEpower forstærker i BeoLab 8000.  __________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 22 December 2005 kl. 18:55 | IP-adresse registreret
SED fladskærm med billedrørsteknologi.
Hvis du er en af de mange der overvejer at anskaffedig at fladskærmsfjernsyn, så kan det måske betale sig at vente lidt endnu.
Til næste år lancerer Canon og Toshiba en fælles ny skærmteknik, der giver mulighed for at vise tv-billeder af hidtil ukendt kvalitet. SED teknologien fungerer som et traditionelt biledrørsfjernsyn, hvor en strålekanon bombarderer dagsiden af billedrøret med elektroner, der får farverne frem på skærmen, når de rammer den fosforescerende glasflade. Normale LCD eller plasmafladskærme bruger andre teknologier, der endnu ikke har opnået en farvekvalitet og opdateringshastighed, der kommer i nærheden af det gode gamle billedrør. SED-tv lanceres først i Japan, og forvendtes til Danmark i år 2007.
Læs mere om SED- skærme på.
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 23 December 2005 kl. 16:32 | IP-adresse registreret
To stk. MiniPC kun 165 mm på hver led.

AOpen "Cube Mini".
____________________________________________________________ ________
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 25 December 2005 kl. 08:57 | IP-adresse registreret
Har du lyst til at bygge din egen forstærker ? til stereo eller surround,
eller til indbygning i en subwoofer, som for nuværende er pasiv, så er der
en mulighed her. 
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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L.B. Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 25 November 2004 Lokalitet: Sjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 6296
Sendt: 25 December 2005 kl. 09:03 | IP-adresse registreret
Hej Peter og glædelig bag-jul 
Jeg troede ikke man kunne købe modulerne i løs handel, men det kan man tilsyneladende?
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 25 December 2005 kl. 09:22 | IP-adresse registreret
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 26 December 2005 kl. 12:00 | IP-adresse registreret
B&O lancere et nyt produkt, der har til opgave at trække nye kunder i butikken. Produkterne, der af Bang & Olufsen selv beskrives som "prisvenlige", er blandt andet BeoSound 4.
BeoSound 4 er musiksystemet, der byder på DAB-modul og SD-kortoptager, BeoSound 4 i en bærbar løsning med genopladeligt batteri, soft-touch-betjening og clockradio-funktion.
Forventes i butikkerne i løbet af 2006.
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 26 December 2005 kl. 18:17 | IP-adresse registreret
Beocenter 9000 - 8500 - 9500 - 9300.

Jeg her fundet svar på et spørgsmål, flere gennem tiden har stillet.
" Hvem kan hjælpe mig med forskellen på Beocenter 9000. 8500. 9500. 9300. Umiddelbart kan jeg ikke se nogen forskel! "
Der er en der skiller sig ud,nemlig BeoCenter 9000, da den ikke har PowerLink tilslutning, så den skal du gå uden om, hvis den skal indgå i et nyere b&o system.
Beocenter 9000 (1987-1988) AM/FM Stereo/Dolby B,C cassette/compact disc music centre, 2x30W, Multiroom Type numbers: 2501, 2503, 2504, 2505.
The Beocenter 9000 was the first in a long and successful line of music centres. Taking the place in the range of, though not directly replacing, the Beocenter 7700, it was novel when introduced as it showed a new priority in regard to the sources. Beocenter 7700 included a radio, cassette and record player, and left the option open to connect a compact disc player, such as the Beogram CD X. The Beocenter 9000 still had a radio and cassette recorder, but this time the CD was built-in and it was the turntable could be added externally. Beogram 3000 (or latterly Beogram 9000) was suggested as a suitable model, and could be controlled via Datalink.
Although Beocenter 9000 looked new, it was made by combining ideas and technology from other recent models in the range. Most strikingly, the "sensi-touch" panels, which controlled all the functions and displays were developed from those of the Beogram CD X. Improvements in technique allowed the control legends to be illuminated, making possible the Beocenter 9000's most important innovation, that only the controls that were directly relevant to the operation in hand were visible. These "electronic covers" as they were called, greatly simplified the operation of what was a very sophisticated piece of equipment and allowed for a smooth, uncluttered appearance. In fact, for the first time, there were no mechanical switches or controls, a major technical achievement. Even the power-operated sliding doors over the cassette and CD compartments were operated by touch sensors, though holes in the underside allowed them to be opened with a screwdriver in the event of failure. The doors, along with the general layout and the bands of black and silver, recalled the Beocenter 4000 of the late 1970s, which was in many ways the forerunner of this model.
As regards the rest of the machine, the amplifier and CD player were based on those of the Beosystem 3300, whereas the tuner and cassette deck were similar to those of the Beosystem 5500. The tuner offered 20 pre-tuned programmes on either AM or FM, and the cassette deck featured Dolby B and C with automatic recognition of its own recordings, track search, auto reverse and automatic tape-type detection, based around the sensing slots in the rear of the cassette. A programmable timer was also included, so unattended recordings of radio programmes could be made. In this area the Beocenter 9000 really scored over the 7700, auto reverse meant that a maximum recording time of 2 hours was possible. The power amplifier was perhaps the only disappointment, it was less powerful than that fitted to the Beocenter 7700, and lacked its predecessor's sophistication, accuracy and refinement. Either Beolab 150 amplifiers or Beolab Penta loudspeakers would (at some considerable price) solve the problem, and if the Pentas were chosen, the chosen source and volume setting would be shown in their display panels.
With three electronically controlled sources, the Beocenter 9000 was a natural choice for remote control and multiroom operation. Either the A or AV Terminal (and latterly the Beolink 1000) could be used, whilst the full range of Beolink products could be used to extend the system's reach. Recommended loudspeakers tended to be either Beovox RL 60 or Beolab Penta, with models from the CX range for additional rooms.
The edge of the cabinet of the early Beocenter 9000s was finished with a wide bronze-coloured strip, whilst
later ones had a thin white line. The Beocenter 9000 was replaced by the Beocenter 9500, which was very
similar but updated to include some new ideas.
Beocenter 8500 (1989-1992) AM/FM Stereo/Dolby B,C cassette/compact disc music centre, 2x40W, Power Link, Multiroom Type numbers: 2511, 2512, 2513, 2514
Beocenter 8500 was intended to be a simpler, cheaper version of the Beocenter 9500. The obvious difference was that the metal sections were painted in flat grey rather than being polished. The other differences were that there was no programmable timer and that only one-way remote control terminals, such as the Beolink 1000, could be used. A matching turntable, the Beogram 8500, was offered.
Beocenter 9500 (1989-1993) AM/FM Stereo/Dolby B,C cassette/compact disc music centre, 2x40W, Power Link, Multiroom Type numbers: 2506, 2507, 2508, 2509, 2510
The Beocenter 9500 was a replacement for the Beocenter 9000. The obvious visual difference was that the centre aluminium sections were now brightly polished steel, which looked striking but would prove difficult to keep clean. Most of the other revisions were of a technical nature, designed to keep the Beocenter 9500 fully compatible with the latest other equipment.
Of greatest importance was that two-way infra red communication was fitted. This was so that the new Beolink 5000 terminal could be fully utilised, not only directly but also in any additional linked rooms. Almost as significant was that Power Link connectors were also provided, for the direct connection of active loudspeakers. Around this time the range of active loudspeakers was growing, but users of the more traditional Beovox models were not forgotten either, as the power of the internal amplifier was raised by 10W to 40W.
Other changes took place during production. The CD player was slightly modified, though still retained the radial-tracking arm, and the cassette mechanism was changed from a type with three motors to one where only a single motor was needed. The same mechanism was used in the Beocenter 2500/2300, so from an industrial point of view this rationalisation was desirable.
A matching turntable, the Beogram 9500, was offered, and finished in bright polished metal to match the Beocenter. In a similar way in which the Beocenter 7000 had been used as the basis for simpler, cheaper models (such as the Beocenter 5000), two simpler, lower priced versions were offered, the Beocenter 8500 and 8000. The Beocenter 9500 was replaced by the BeoCenter 9300.
BeoCenter 9300 (1994-2000) AM/FM Stereo/B NR cassette/compact disc music centre, 2x40W, Power Link, Multiroom Type numbers: 2516, 2517, 2518, 2519, 2520, 2553
At a glance the BeoCenter 9300 looked similar to the Beocenter 9500, and seemed to offer similar features. In this case, looks were deceptive, for the transition from Beocenter 9500 marked the biggest change in the development of this range, though sadly most of the changes were not for the better.
The reasons for the changes were twofold. Firstly, the two-way remote control system was being dropped in favour of a new arrangement based around one remote control terminal, the Beo 4. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, the range as a whole was being simplified in an attempt to reduce the costs of producing a wide range of models. Therefore, to this end, the BeoCenter 9300 was redesigned to use as many of the parts and assemblies of the BeoSound Ouverture as was possible. This was possible to a surprising degree, and complete assemblies such as the laser CDM, cassette mechanism, cassette electronics PCB, radio tuner PCB and microcomputer PCB were used with little or no alteration. This considerably altered the internal architecture, but had surprisingly little impact on the external appearance.
Inevitably, some of the features could not be carried over from the Beocenter 9500. Mention has already been made of the two-way remote control, but also deleted were the RIAA preamplifier for a record player (though the socket remained as a line-level connection), the microphone socket for the cassette deck and the Dolby C circuit. In fact if the official descriptions of the BeoCenter 9300 were to be believed, the Dolby circuit had been deleted completely. The noise reduction that remained was described simply as "NR B", though the circuit was identical to that of the BeoSound Ouverture, which was billed as a "Dolby B" equipped recorder. The reason behind this was not clear, for certainly any music centre in the price band that the BeoCenter 9300 occupied would be expected to offer Dolby. As it was, the removal of the "C" processor reduced the maximum dynamic range that the cassette section could theoretically achieve by 9dB. Also deleted from the cassette deck was the option of manual recording level control and the rather useful "level hold" function. Perhaps to make up for taking so much away, the number of pre-tuned radio stations was raised, from 20 to 30.
Over the life of the BeoCenter 9300, three CD mechanisms were fitted. Originally the same one that had been seen in the Beocenter 9500 was used, followed by two versions using a three-beam pickup. These could be identified by the fact that the laser moved in a straight line rather than an arc. These changes followed similar ones made to the Ouverture and Century ranges. All BeoCenter 9300s used a 1-bit decoder, the previous models had all been 16 bit.
A useful saving in power consumption over previous models was also noted. In order to save power whilst the set was on "standby" (that is, most of the time), two mains transformers were fitted. The large one powered the set whilst in use, a second smaller one maintained the essential systems whilst in standby. This was not a new idea (for example, the Beomaster 8000 also worked like this), but it allowed the attractive claim to be made that the new model was more energy efficient than the old one.
The end of the BeoCenter 9300 marked the end of this very successful line of models. As well as being one of the last to offer a cassette recorder, the BeoCenter 9300 was also the last audio "main product" that could drive passive loudspeakers. An era had truly ended.
Beocenter 9000 Specifications.
Beocenter 9000: Fra år 1986 til år 1990.
Types: 2501 (1986 - Jan 1990) J 2504 (1986 - Jan 1990)
Amplifier: Long-term max. output power IEC 2 x 80 watts / 8 ohms Power output 20 - 20,000 Hz IHF 2 x 30 watts / 8 ohms Total harmonic distortion IHF < 0.1 % & 30 watts 20 - 20,000 Hz Dynamic headroom 1 dB / 8 ohms Intermodulation IHF < 0.1 %
Bass control at 40 Hz: +/- 10 dB Treble control at 12,500: Hz +/- 8 dB
Tuner: FM range 2501 / 2505: 87.5 - 108 MHz 2504: 76 - 90 MHz LW range 2501 only: 150 - 350 kHz MW range 2501 only: 80 µV
Tape recorder: Compact cassette: C46 - C60 - C90 - C120 Recording system: HX PRO Tape head: Sendust Wow and flutter DIN: < 0.15 % Frequency range chrome: 30 - 18,000 Hz +/- 3 dB Signal-to-noise ratio: CCIR/ARM Metal Dolby NR B:>64 dB, C: >73 dB Chrome Dolby NR B:>65 dB, C: >74 dB Ferro Dolby NR B:>63 dB, C: >72 dB
Compact disc player: Frequency range 3 - 20,000 Hz +/- 0.3 dB Signal-to-noise ratio > 96 dB / 100 dB A-weighted Dynamic range > 96 dB Harmonic distortion 0.003 % at 0 dB 0.03 % at -20 dB Channel separation > 94 dB 20 - 20,000 Hz Converter system 2 x 16 bit, 4 x oversampling 176.4 kHz Low pass filter Digital +
Power supply: 2501/2505: 110 - 130 - 220 - 240 V switch 2504: 100 V Power consumption: max. 200 W Dimensions: W x H x D 76 x 11 x 34cm Weight: 14 kg
Tape 2 DIN Phono DIN AUX DIN Extra amplifier Phonoplug
Link compatibility: Datalink
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Beocenter 8500/9500 Specifications.
Beocenter 8500 : Fra år 1989 til år 1992.
Beocenter 9500 : Fra år 1989 til år 1993.
Types: EU 2506 (1989 - Feb 1994) GB 2507 (1989 - Dec 1993)
Amplifier: Long-term max. output power: IEC 2 x 80 watts / 8 ohms Total harmonic distortion IHF: < 0.1 % & 30 watts 20 - 20,000 Hz Dynamic headroom 1 dB: / 8 ohms Intermodulation IHF: < 0.1 %
Bass control at 40 Hz: +/- 10 dB Treble control at 12,500 Hz: +/- 8 dB
Tape recorder: Compact cassette C46 - C120 Recording system HX PRO Tape head Sendust Wow and flutter DIN < 0.15 % Frequency range chrome 30 - 18,000 Hz +/- 3 dB Signal-to-noise ratio CCIR/ARM Metal Dolby NR B:>64 dB, C: >73 dB Chrome Dolby NR B:>65 dB, C: >74 dB Ferro Dolby NR B:>63 dB, C: >72 dB Power supply: 110 - 130 - 220 - 240 voltage switch Power consumption Max. 200 W
Dimensions W x H x D 76 x 11 x 34cm Weight 14 kg
Tuner: FM range: 76 - 90 MHz (Type 2509, 2513) 87.5 - 108 MHz (Type 2506, 2508, 2510, 2511, 2512, 2514) LW range 2506, 2511: 150 - 350 kHz MW range 2506, 2508, 2509, 2510, 2511, 2512, 2513, 2514520 - 610 kHz
Compact disc player: Frequency range 3 - 20,000 Hz +/- 0.3 dB Signal-to-noise ratio > 100 dB / 110 dB A-weighted Dynamic range > 96 dB Harmonic distortion 0.0025 % at 0 dB 0.0025 % at -20 dB Channel separation > 101 dB Converter system 2 x 16 bit, 4 x oversampling Low pass filter analogue Bessel
Connections: Beocord Tape 1 Built-in Beocord Tape 2 7-pin DIN, Datalink Beogram CD Built-in Beogram LP 7-pin DIN, Datalink BeoLab 2 x Power Link Beovox 4-pin DIN Beovision 7-pin DIN, Datalink
Link compatibility: Master Control Link
Beocenter 9300 Specifications.
Beocenter 9300: Fra år 1993 til år 2000.
Types: EU 2516 (1993 - May 2001) GB 2517 (1993 - Nov 2000) J 2519 (1993 - April 2000) TAI 2553 (1996 - Jan 1999)
Compact disc: built-in Disc size 12 cm, 8 cm Frequency range 20 - 20,000 Hz, +/- 1 dB Signal-to-noise ratio Typical 101 dB, A weighted D/A converting Bitstream, Analogue filtration Features: Edit
Dimensions W x H x D 76 x 11 x 34 Weight 14 kg Cabinet finish: Aluminium
Tuner: built-in Pre-tuned radio programmes: 30 FM or AM Radio ranges: FM-LW-MW
Tape Recorder: built-in Recording system: HX PRO Tape transport: Auto reverse Noise reduction: Yes Frequency range: 50 - 14,000 Hz Signal-to-noise ratio: > 65 dB, Noise reduction, chrome
Beocenter 9300 Specifications fortsat.
Connections: Power Link 2 TV/AUX 1 FM aerial, 75 ohms 1 AM aerial (Dedicated) 1 Speaker Link 2 Master Control Link (MCL) 1 Tape 2 / Phone 1 Headphone / Jack 1Beolink Master Control Link Master Link (via Beolink Converter) Remote Control: Beo4
Power amplifier: built-in System frequency range 70 - 20,000 Hz Long-term max. output 2 x 80 W/ 8 ohms Harmonic distortion < 0.1 %, 30 W
Power consumption Typical 25 watts/standby <2 watts Type no. 2516 EU 230 V 2517 GB 240 V 2518 US-CND 120 V 2519 J 100 V 2520 AUS 240 V 2553 TWN 120 V
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 27 December 2005 kl. 22:22 | IP-adresse registreret
DVB er en forkortelse for Digital Video Broadcasting -
altså transmissions-standard af Digitalt TV, der difinres som, T-S og C.
DVB-T = Transmission af Digital TV- signal, via Jordbaseret = antenner på f.eks. Hustage.
DVB-S = Transmission af Digital TV- signal, via Satellite = parabol på f.eks. Huse og master.
DVB-C = Transmission af Digital TV- signal, via Cabel = signal via Kabel-TV indgangen.
Nu har Loewe produceret et digitalt TV med DVB dekoder indbyget. Der kan vælges mellem T-S-C.
Jeg syntes også at de har har lavet et flot design.
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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TDUNK Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 27 December 2005 Lokalitet: Sjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 1
Sendt: 27 December 2005 kl. 22:37 | IP-adresse registreret
B&O og MP3 fra PC
Hej. Er der nogle, som har erfaringer med at løse MP3 afspillning via B&O ud over med iPod?
Jeg har en central server som altid er tændt med alle mine MP3 og kunne godt tænke mig at bruge den via B&O uden at skulle anvende PC'en eller en Kiss player. Jeg har prøvet en SlimDevice, men synes det er for besværligt at vælge/finde et nummer.
Nyeste idé er følgende: Forbinde serverens lydkort med B&O via Masterlink. Indstallerer SlimServer (til styring af musikvalg via browser) samt SoftSlim (til at afspille valgte musik på serveren) og så anvende en PocketPC med wireless som remote. Med PocketPC vil man således kunne vælge via et ordenligt interface i hele huset. Der er dog nogle udfordringer:
1) Hvordan forbindes Serverens lydkort til Masterlink, så den f.eks. optræder som Aux eller ligende?
2) SoftSlim kan så vidt jeg kan se, ikke køre som en service, hvilket betyder at man skal være logget på serveren for at det fungerer!
Er der nogle, som har gode ideer til at løse ovenstående eller har andre måder at lave en ordenlig MP3 løsning?
PS: Ønsker ikke at anvende BeoPort, da det kræver BeoPlayer, som jeg bestemt IKKE er fan af.
PPS: Ønsker heller ikke at anvende BeoMedia 1, da jeg i forvenjen har både en Kiss DP558 og server m.m. Åltså har jeg alt udstyret - jeg mangler bare en god løsning.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 28 December 2005 kl. 01:38 | IP-adresse registreret
Hej Tdunk, og velkommen til HiFi4All.
Du skriver meget om dine ønsker, men glemmer at fortælle hvad det er for noget B&O du har ?.
Så jeg har bestemt for dig. Beolab 5 er en pragtfuld højttaler som har digital SPDIF indgang, så et digital-koaksial kabel som er det bedste til overføring af DST, Dolby digital fra din centrale servers lydkort til beolab 5 er det nemmeste. Serveren styre du så med en iPod. Læs dette link. http://www.geocities.com/beopc/ipod.htm Der er måske noget at hende.
En anden digitale løsning med B&O, er hvis du har et Beovision 32" Avant DVD TV som vil være perfekt i digital sammenhæng da du så vil kunne etablere rum link.
Billede af iPod sammen koblet direkte med BeoLab 5, er også en løsning

__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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Peter Pan Forum Bruger

Bruger siden: 04 Februar 2005 Lokalitet: Nordsjælland
Status: Offline Indlæg: 20276
Sendt: 28 December 2005 kl. 09:52 | IP-adresse registreret
Using the iPod to B&O interface
Regardless of whether you have the dock station solution or the cable solution they will work similar with the only difference that the dock will charge the iPod (the cable can be connected with a 3rd party power source to provide charging as well).
When you connect the iPod to the cable or dock station it will start communicating with the installed chip and go to Voice Memo screen and be ready to start playing.
The voice memo screen at initial startup has no relevance at all. You can switch to any other screen you like with the iPod buttons, like the “Now Playing” screen, but if you have no interest in the screen, you can also let it be as it is.
The 7-pin round DIN connector should be connected to Tape or Tape2 connector on the B&O equipment. If there is no Tape or Tape2 connector, you can also connect it to the Aux connector.
The supported commands are:

Note that Play and Stop have the same function, as either key will toggle the play/pause status of the iPod. Some (mainly newer) B&O equipment might not send the 0..9 keys, thus changing playlist has to be done by stepping through them with next/previous.
Building the iPod cable
Component list
chip (PIC 16F88)
7-pin DIN connector
Resistor (only for cable kit)
thin cupper wire (only for dock station re-build)
thin isolated wire (only for dock station re-build)
3.5mm phono plug with cable (only for dock station re-build)
small box (only for cable kit)
shrink cord (whatever its name in english is, only for cable kit)
6-lead cord (only for cable kit)
dock connector plug (only for cable kit)
IC socket (only for cable kit)
IR receiver module (IR version only)
47 uF capacitor (IR version only)
47 Ohm resistor (IR version only, value can vary)
Building it into the dock station
1. Cut the wires to the diode short and mount the diode between pin 2 and 7 (the line towards pin 7).
the 7-pin DIN connector from soldering side
2. Bend the legs of the IC so they are flat to the bottom side of the IC, almost meeting each other. This to get room for it within the dock station. Open the dock station with a sharp knife in the space betwen the top cover and underside. Glue the IC into the dock station in the space behind the connector that goes into the iPod. Find a suitable position that makes it easy to close the dock again (flat on the metal foil or slanted against the iron weight). On newer docks with plastic covering over the PCBs, you will need to remove the cover from the back PCB and put the IC upside down on the back PCB, between the black screws. You will need to lift the cover from the front of the dock, to be able to solder to the connector as well. In the photo dock there is a suitable space below the back PCB (remove the plastic cover from it and remove the four screws and place the IC upside down on the white plastic floor).

3. Connect pin 13 of the dock connector to pin 11 of the chip. Use the thin cupper wire. Put some solder on the wire end first to make it easier to make a quick connection. The wire is isolated (even if it doesn't look like it).
4. Connect pin 18 of the dock connector to pin 14 of the chip.
5. Connect a wire from the dock ground (can be found at pin 1 or easier on the left end of the resistor) to pin 5 of the chip. Pin 11 and pin 1 of the dock connector should be connected to each other. Some docks doesn’t have this connection, but are ready for making it as they are just separated by two pads close to each other. On these docks get ground by soldering a wire to both pin 11 and pin 1 through these two pads and then connect the other end of the wire to pin 5 of the chip.
6. Solder the thin isolated wire to pin 8 of the chip. Route it to the back of the dock connector and close the dock. Solder this wire to pin 7 of the 7-pin DIN. Don't forget to route the wire through the 7-pin DIN connector plastic cover.
7. Solder the red wire in the 3.5mm phono plug to pin 3 of the 7-pin DIN. Solder the white wire to pin 5. Solder the shield to pin 2. Don't forget to route this cable through the 7-pin DIN connector plastic cover.
Building the cable
1. Cut the wires to the diode short and mount the diode between pin 2 and 7 (the line towards pin 7).

the 7-pin DIN connector from soldering side
2. Cut ALL pins EXCEPT pin 5, 8, 11 and 14 of the IC socket. Bend the remaining pins inwards so the pins almost meet. Drill a hole in the black plastic box in one side for the 6-wire cable and drill a smaller (or same size) hole in the other side of the box.
3. Put a small piece of shrink cord on each leg of the resistor. Solder the resistor between pin 21 and pin 1 of the dock connector. The dock connectorhas 2 rows with 15 pins each. In the photo below, the bottom pin in the bottom (behind) row is pin 1. Don't use the wrong pins! The pin at absolute bottom (the two rows of pins are not at the exakt same level) is pin 1. For all solders to the dock connector you should mount a small piece of shrink cord before soldering it and push the shrink cord over the connector pins to prevent them from bending and make connection to each other.

4. Use the 6-wire cable and connect pin 5 of the IC socket to pin 1 of dock connector using the shield of the cable (it is easier to connect it to the resistor pin you just mounted). Connect pin 14 of IC socket to pin 18 of dock connector. Connect pin 11 of the IC socket to pin 13 of dock connector.
5. Connect pin 11 of dock connector to pin 1 of dock connector.
6. Connect pin 3 of dock connector to pin 5 of 7-pin DIN connector (don't forget to put it through the plastic cover of the connector). Connect pin 4 of dock connector to pin 3 of 7-pin DIN connector. Connect a wire between pin 2 of DIN connector to pin 5 of the IC socket. Connect a wire between pin 8 of the IC socket to pin 7 of the 7-pin DIN.
7. If you want possibility to charge the iPod with the cable connect a wire to pin 23 of dock connector (for +5V charging source) or pin 20 of dock connector (for +12V charging source). Connect another (ground) wire to pin 16 (for 5V ground) or pin 30 (for 12V ground).
8. If you have an IR receiver, look at the instrucations below to mount the IR receiver now and continue with this chapter afterwards. If you have no IR receiver go on with this step 8 at once. Push all the shrink cords over the connector pins and use some heat source to shrink the cords in place (hot air gun, owen or bread toaster could be used). Close the connector.
9. Test the cable. If everything works, fill the small black box with melt glue or some silicon glue or similar and push down the wires and IC socket. Make sure they are not shortening with each other and let the IC socket be in line with the top of the black box so the IC can be inserted (and removed) from the top. It might be a good idea to test the cable again before the glue has hardened.
Adding the IR receiver
The IR receiver is optional and used for systems that are not capable of controlling the iPod through the audio master. The IR receiver looks like below:

Pin 1 = OUT
Pin 2 = GND
Pin 3 = Supply voltage
For the dock version, the IR receiver can be mounted at the very front side of the top cover. Drill a small (5mm) hole for the IR window “bulb” to stick through the front cover. Make sure that the IR module is as far up in the top cover as possible. Glue it in place.
For the cable version you could let the IR receiver stick out through the top hole of the box.
Connect pin 2 of the IR receiver to pin 5 of the chip. Connect pin 1 or the IR receiver to pin 6 of the chip. Connect pin 3 of the IR receiver to the 47 Ohm resistor. Connect the other pin of the resistor to pin 14 of the chip.
Connect minus of the 47 uF capacitor to pin 2 of the IR receiver. Connect plus of the capacitor to pin 3 of the IR receiver.
De dele der skal bruges kan købes her http://www.geocities.com/beopc/ipod.htm
__________________ Mvh. Peter Pan. Se link - DIN-RJ45-Adapter.- PPsetup.- Div.& Diy.
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